Management and operation solutions

Management and operation solutions

Application automation in the production process, plant operation.

     SCADA (Supervisory control and data acquisition) lis the automation management system in industry with the functions of supervising and collecting data. Tan Hiep Water have applied in production to facilitate the control and management of construction items in the system from Hoa Phu raw water pumping station to the distribution network. All data is saved and easily retrieved if needed

      Automation brings high labor productivity, reduces raw material costs and energy consumption, improving product quality. Morever, automation helps improve employee qualifications while also protecting the ecological environment and freeing people from manual, boring and toxic work environments.



Inspection and supervision of production activities

     Daily reports are made and sent to all departments to monitor, implement and check the parameters of raw water quality, clean water, the status of machinery and equipment, the volume of raw materials. , energy consumption ... all must ensure true and adequate with requirements, regulations.

Prevention and incident control

  • Routine preventive maintenance plans are implemented weekly to avoid possible incidents such as: chlorine leakage, fire and equipment failures ...
  • current generators are equipped to prevent of a power failure, production be continue.
  • Installed anti-collision valves to ensure that when a power failure occurs without back pressure, damaging the pump and piping.
  • Installed leak detector and chlorine neutralizing tower when incidents occur.
  • Installed cameras to control all activities taking place in the factory.
  • Training on fire safety and occupational safety annual.
  • Update safety water supply plan and annual labor safety manual.


